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Why Build Your Website with WordPress in 2019.

It is not a secret that in 2019 every single business in the world would require a good, reliable website. A lot of the websites that are currently out there were built years ago to old standards and need to be updated at some point.  There a lot of options at the table: from ready-made website builders to custom web development.  It is quite a difficult task for businesses to decide. WordPress is an open source website creation tool and CMS that powers 60% of the web and is by far the most popular in the world. We would list some advantages of using WordPress for your website.

Flexibility: Plugins

Probably the greatest advantage of WordPress is its flexibility. The main reason is the plugins system: small bits of software that could extend the functionality of your website.   You could literally plug-in different new features in your site: e-commerce, payments, shipping. Just like apps on the App store, there are tons and tons of 3rd party plug-ins available for everything you could imagine from SEO to CRM for example.  Even if you don’t find a plug-in that answers your needs, a skilled developer could create one for you.
However, you should be careful when installing different plug-ins and ask for advice from technical partners or staff. Many businesses overload their websites with plug-ins making them slower to load and unstable that turns customers away. Last but not least plugins could be a potential source of vulnerability and reason for your website to be hacked. As every 3-rd party software, it could hide malicious lines of code or be a target of hackers, who could try to break into your website via the specific plug-in.


“First impressions matter” holds true in the web world. Well designed and good looking website would build brand trust and convert more visitors to customers. Luckily WordPress offers a  huge variety of pre-made themes (templates) both free and paid. Many of the premium ones provide a nice look and feel without the need of hiring dedicated UI/UX Designer. They are highly customizable come with different support plans.  When the time comes and you think your website look is outdated, you could simply switch to another theme easily

Powerful CMS

In its essence WordPress is a CMS: Content Management system.  It allows you to keep your site up-to-date easily. In the modern web world, you could not simply build a website and forget about it. If you want to have a website that attracts and retains users you should do things like blogging, create new pages, A/B test different content etc.  The WordPress CMS provides the means to do all those things relatively easy for non-developers. One could learn the basics of website administration within hours. The huge WordPress community is also greatly supportive. Not only do they publish a lot of useful guides and tutorials but also make every new WP release more powerful and user-friendly.

We just outlined a small fraction of the reasons why global sites like TechCrunch, MTV and Sony use WordPress. The fact is it is an extremely capable, cost-effective and reasonable choice for all of your business websites.
If you are considering developing a WordPress site the right developer could make the difference between a world-class website and a sloppy job, drop us a line for a quick consultation.