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Pros and Cons of a Cross-platform Mobile App Development

The early days of the smartphone era saw numerous developers only targeting a platform at a time. Conversely, the global mobile operating market today is torn apart mainly by the two big rivals- iOS & Android. Thus, it is somewhat demanding for apps to operate bilaterally. As a business owner or developer, how do you create a mobile application for both of these platforms?

In these following lines, we have introduced the pros and cons of Cross-platform Mobile App Development

+ broadened market reachability

Of Couse, depending on more than one platform, there will be a bigger customer base. By targeting both most competitive systems you can spare yourself the frowning faces of people, who just realized that cannot download your app to their precious mobile devices.

+ single code base

The cross-platform way of developing allows coverage of multiple operating systems. Despite this, discrepancies may arise and from time to time you have to spend more time dealing with them. Another benefit is saving funds and time by eliminating the need to upgrade two separate sets of code.

+ faster deployment stage

Yet again handling two things at the time is fruitful towards the deployment stage of your project. From the initial idea to the final minor touches, the process shortens immensely.

+ platform consistency

Undoubtedly, Android and iOS differ significantly in terms of both UX and UI. With cross-platform app development, most of these dissimilarities are handled by default. This translates into a less likelihood of design and navigation mistakes to happen.

– slower performance

Cross-platform apps deploy much faster, nevertheless, those types of apps may happen to load more slowly than their native equivalents.

– differences between UI& UX

Although there a fairly similar, iOS & Android apps differ in navigation and buttons. At the end of the day, it may turn out that the developers have to spend a considerable amount of time to note them and develop around them.

For some, their company is resourceful enough to have two development teams, each programming in the native environments for their platform. While developing in each platform is beneficial, it comes with a cost. If you have no additional budget, look closer to your customers ‘preferences and decide which platform to count on first. However, if you are straightforward aiming at creating an app, be mindful of constructing a strategy containing both operational systems. Plus, choosing a team that especially specializes in cross-platform development, effort, time and expenses are definitely on a saving mode!