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What is a Mobile-friendly Website? 6 things you might be missing.

For almost a decade now, mobile devices are winning their battle with computers. The device in your pocket is the reason why even Google officially declared that in website crawling the advantage is going to be on the side of the mobile-optimized web pages. What does a mobile-friendly website mean? Just as the name implies, these websites are designed and developed for users on mobile devices. Now more than ever it is essential not to lose a potential customer by lacking mobile functionality. Unclickable buttons, not visible text and long loading time may be a business downfall in the 21st century. Cross-platform development is not a piece of cake, but it will save you from a catastrophe in the long run.

Here are some telltale signs that you are heading in the wrong direction:

1) You count on heavy images and CSS

Making your website as light as possible is always a good idea. Each element on your website carries a virtual weight and Google is clear about the fact that website speed is a crucial ranking factor for SERPs. Be careful when compressing your content down, because too low-quality images are also a big No-no.

2) Your website template or theme is not mobile-friendly

Your website template may be the thing you are most proud of, but having a beautiful design does not cover anything at all if it is not suitable. Try churning down your content and provide the most important info. Make it as user friendly as possible because people who browse the web on their mobile devices don’t take the same time to read content as they would on a computer.

3) The buttons are not the correct size

You may think “A button’s size is not crucial at all!”. However, trying numerous times to push a button would create tension even among the calmest of us. Zooming in & out to center your finger on the right spot is a deal-breaker.

4) Your font size is smaller than your chances to win a customer

Go back to point 2, if you are not naughty and followed the advice to reduce the info on your website, then it is wise to use a bigger and readable font. Try various combinations, because some fonts may be readable on a desktop, nevertheless, others are disastrous on a mobile device.

5) You don’t provide an option to switch to Desktop view

Some of your mobile visitors may prefer to see the desktop version of your website instead. Especially if you go with a mobile version of your website rather than a responsive site.

6) You are a non-believer in regular mobile testing 

It goes without saying, Mobile app testing is not complete until executed on real devices. Whether there are bugs, crashes, slow loading time, or even security breaches it is better to detect them prior to a potential customer.

In a nutshell, mobile devices are omnipresent and building a solution that works, grants you instant peace of mind. Let’s admit it, even you can’t put up with a non-functioning website. End users are more and more demanding, thus make a wise choice for a bulletproof team of developers!