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Top Blogs for Web Developers

Hey, fellow web developers, do you happen to read a specific blog? If it is a no for you. In the following article, we will highlight some of the best blogs for web developers, that will for sure grab your attention! (If you read ours you are just truly spectacular xoxo)

Due to the nature of the job occupation. It is crucial to stay on top of all the latest trends and developments in the industry. An easy way to do so is by following web development blogs. Blogs are especially helpful in fortifying the services you offer to be based on the latest solutions on the market.

David Walsh

David Walsh is a senior web developer and front-end engineer of Mozilla. So browsing his private blog, developers can easily find popular topics on HTML5, JavaScript, and other tech stacks like jQuery or MySQL.


Codrops is a web design and development blog. It is focused on providing its audience with useful tutorials and articles on the latest trends in the industry. The site also publishes videos that focus on new ideas. Moreover, they provoke inspiration for solving problems and tackling challenges around web development.

Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is a German-based blog yet written in English and frequently updated by numerous tech experts. The site produces articles, books, and guides mostly on front-end coding. For instance CSS, HTML, JavaScript, React, WordPress, and other topics including UI/UX, mobile development, or even Photoshop. is a web development blog that promises to keep everyone from beginners to experienced developers entertained. There is a wide range of posts, courses, and tutorials. The content here is focused on topics like React, Angular JS, Node, as well as Vue, Laravel, CSS, and Python. They also provide a list of free ebooks and its “News” section is always up-to-date with all the latest trends and developments in the industry.


SitePoint is great if you are looking for a web development blog that focuses exclusively on development, programming languages, and development tools. Also, you can receive a report on a new topic of interest in the development world each month.

Code Condo

Code Condo is another example of a blog that contains a rich mix of contents on business, lifestyle, mobile development, and different smaller fields of technology. Articles on full-stack web development, web design, security, or WordPress are also frequently posted.


This is more on the beginner side, nevertheless, if you want to learn about everything from cross-platform development to tools like Redux, CSS-Tricks has all the guides and tips you need to help you succeed in your career. The best feature ever is in the face of that it even includes an Almanac that acts as a reference guide to all the fundamental features of CSS.

If you are in the web development business, you know that you’ll never be done learning. Even the best around admit that there’s always something new to learn. However daunting it may sound, that doesn’t have to be so. Experiment and challenge yourself from the smallest tricks&tips to being on top of the wave trend, don’t hesitate to reach out for information and read blogs for web developers!